Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Digital portfolio

Home page: In my homepage I am going to have a picture of myself and a short introduction of myself e.g. my name, how old I am, where I come from and where I live now. I will also introduce what my digital portfolio is about and everything in it.
School information: I will describe what I am going to talk about in this and give a picture of my school and a little description of it.
Favorite subjects: In this I will write a little bit about the subjects I like and don’t like and why. I will also include a picture of my favorite subject (the classroom).
My school projects: to narrow this down a bit I will include my major projects I have done in the past years I have been at this school. This will include a hyperlink to my technology projects and art projects and English projects pages. It will describe what I am going to explain in my other pages
Technology projects: this will included the projects I have done in technology over the past years I have been at this school. It will have videos and pictures in it.
Art projects: I will include all the art work I have done in the past three years I have been here. I will include my reports and some pictures of my art work.
English projects: this will include all the projects I have done. I will include in it some bits of my biography and my children’s book and other stuff.
Community and service: this will include my community and service activities I have done at this school.
Personnel information: in this I will describe/ summarize what all the pages linked to this are about.
My family: I will include pictures of my family and a little bit about them.
My hobbies and interests: I will include the things that I like to do in my spare time and some of the activities I do a school and why I like them.
My friends: I will include pictures of my friends and a little bit about them and also what we like to do together.
My history: I will include where I was born and some important times in my life. I will also include the countries I have lived in and been to on my holidays and all the schools I have been to. Some of my favorite holidays.
My personnel projects: I will include some of the personnel projects have done outside of school and how school has helped me top do some of these.
My future: in this I will include what my ambitions are and what I want to do when I’m older.

1 comment:

  1. Terry,

    Your Digital Portfolio looks great! Your design and description is complete and clear. They gave me a complete idea on what you want to include there.

    Even though we will not start building the DP it in this moment, you have to start collecting information for each page! Pictures, texts, videos, whatever you think you need to show your audience!

    And don’t forget to put a link to your blog in your tech page(s).

    ~ Majo Mora
