Monday, November 23, 2009

My colage

I think this project collage was fun and I have done pretty well, I also think what helped me most was doing the processes, learning step by step. Maybe I could have made it look a bit more realistic but what can you expect from a Photoshop. Anybody who does this in the future will love it because I know I have and they should make sure they keep their timing right. I think Photoshop is an excellent tool because it helps you to bring all you favorite memories/pictures together and put them into one. Photo shop will be a useful tool in the production of my website because it will help me scrapbook my photos and bring them together.

1 comment:

  1. Terry,

    You did a great job with your collage, and more important, you enjoyed doing it! As I use to tell students the best way to learn how to use a software tool is by using it as many times as you can, see what others do, and then… do more…

    I hope that you will apply in your own Digital Portfolio the use of Photoshop!

    Well done!

    Maria Jose
