Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Digital Portfolio

  1. it is an organised collection of students work

  2. it alows the parent and teachers to share the students work and see there development

  3. provides things to talk about for teachers/pupil/parent

Advantage: Portability- it is easier to transport than harder coppies

Disadvantege: veiwing a digital portfolio somtimes requires a special software and skills that the veiwer has to know, which oftan isnt avaliable. \

examples of port folios:; The portfolio is all about jennas senior school project and how she did it and it is her senior school project. The headings are
Opening Page
Letter of Introduction
Getting Started
Research Paper
Portfolio: Design and Presentation
Self Evaluation
Form Checklist

she also includes how she made her portfolio.I like the way the design colour, changes, it gradualy goes from light green to dark green. i think she could have put in more pictures to make it more colourfull and interesting. i also think the text could have been less, because it wasnt that apeling. I think it was very organised and that was good.

The hyperlinks worked very well and it was organized well. by cliking on any on the headings which are found on the left hand side you are imediatly hyperlinkled to the page that the headings give. the portfolio is all about his school subjects.

Opening Page
Applied Learning
The Arts
English Language Arts
Foreign Language
Social Studies
Study Skills

I love the colourfulness in his portfolio, it is very apealing. it is also very organised but it could also have more pictures in it. The hyperlinks worked and everything was easy to find. It was alot like the other one in finding things.


  1. Terry,

    You answered the questions, but I would like you to be more organized in the presentation of your posts. I can assume what you are answering, but it would be useful to include the questions.

    Please check your spelling before posting!

    You missed one sample. But , now that you visited two DPs, I am sure you have an idea on what to include in your own Portfolio and how to present it so it is not boring, and it looks professional.

    ~ Majo Mora

  2. thank u, i know what to do next time
