Thursday, September 10, 2009

Exploring Software

HTML, Is this a good option for creating a digital portfolio?- I find the HTML software ok. It’s a little bit confusing though. I probably like it because the website that Mrs. Mora gave us because e the way that they explain it is simple but I also think that if I was to use it, it might be a little difficult. Front page and Dreamweaver look like they could be challenging but at the same time fun and they also have a few more advantages than HTML, but these advantages could make the process confusing. Here are some of the advantages of these two software’s.
What advantages do you have using these?- Dreamweaver’s WYSIWYG mode makes it easier, for people who find the coding of HTML confusing or for those non-coders, to create web pages and sites. Dreamweaver allows users to preview websites in locally-installed web browsers. It also has site management tools like synchronization features and templating features. I couldn’t find out what these where, so Mrs. Mora do you think you could tell me. Dreamweaver is also international and localization, this helps because it has different languages; so if you come from one place it will make it easier for you and it helps with regional accessibility. Dreamweaver operates on Microsoft windows and Mac OS.
FrontPage has its advantages too. For example it has an accessibility checker, which gives the user the ability to check if their Web site is easily accessible for people with disabilities and FrontPage has interactive buttons, these give users a new and easy way to create web graphics for finding things and links, getting rid of the need for a complicated image-editing package such as Adobe Photoshop, but it only operates on Microsoft Windows.
Wiki, What advantages or disadvantages does this have for you as a publication tool?- A wiki invites all users to edit any page or to create new pages within the wiki Web site. One disadvantage is that wiki uses a language similar to the HTML for editing pages. Many wikis now have "free linking" using brackets. Wikis are generally designed with the philosophy of making it easy to correct mistakes. Wikis allow anyone to edit the content.
I found it Hard to interpret some of the words and things to do with the codes and that is why I never mentioned them.

1 comment:

  1. Terry,

    You are doing a better job this year! You are concentrated in what you are doing.

    Of course doing a web site just in pure HTML can be harder, but it is really important to understand it a little bit, so if you have a problem with one of the editors you can see the “HTML code” to fix it.

    During this week you will be working with HTM to learn the basics. You will be receiving an email with instructions.

    I don't understand your last paragraph... "I found it Hard to interpret some of the words and things to do with the codes and that is why I never mentioned them." Would you please explain iut to me in class?

    ~ Majo Mora
